Tuesday, June 05, 2007

This is pretty darn rad. Some people really make the most of their time. So cool.

Man we got so much done yesterday on the yard. The whole thing was mowed, we took out a bazillion weeds, mrpants executed the holly shrub, and another part of the fence came down. I also planted a Chilean Glory Vine, which I hope does well, as it's really pretty and interesting. It has dark red tube-shaped flowers which are bright orange on the inside. The vine is a dark purple and dark green color. I'm quite taken with it.

I'm glad we got the yard and the roof finished up yesterday. Today it poured busckets.


kungfuramone said...

It poured busckets, huh? Sounds serious! :P

clumsygirl said...

totally buskets or busckets, depending on your spelling preference.

Anonymous said...

So now that you're all green thumb, any advice for an indoor plant to hang out in the same pot as a single bambooesque plant (that used to have 3, but then got killed over the summer by the plant sitter). I'm thinking for something that doesn't need a lot of watering...