Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ok. Here's another writing prompt from one of my favorite kids, whom I call JB. I posted a prompt that said: Start your story with, "I wake up, look in the mirror, and a different face is staring back at me..." JB replied with this gem.

"I'm looking into the face of John Malkovich, and it's freakin sweet. I wondered how long it would last, not very, I presume. I flew from the bathroom, put on some clothes (thinking to myself how cool it was that I wore the same size clothes as Mr. Malkovich). I went to the corner store and demanded some gamer fuel. I was promptly handed what I desired. Further proving my point that John Malkovich could easily rule the world if not stopped by the worlds' true Emperor Brian Boytano."


kungfuramone said...

Those two totally made out, didn't they? I mean, your student didn't, presumably, but JM and BB did...

thetravellor said...

Maybe I'm a moron today, but can't seem to get the link to the Halloween party to work...

As for the shrimp costume very adorable. Thinking of sending the link to all my friends w/ babies for their next halloween.