Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ah... the weekend. Also, only two school days exist between me and the upcoming 5 day holiday weekend. Very, very nice.

A random collection of tidbits:

1. We went over to North Portland last night and visited Mr.P. at Cork, and did some wine tasting. It was fun, and tasty. My favorite wine was, of course, the one that comes with a $54 price tag. Foo. We also took home some fancy salts and some schmancy balsamic vinegar. Then we jumped over to Concordia Alehouse, which was also nice. They have a huge selection of beers, and their food portions are ridiculous. It was fun.

2. I recently read this funny, little, short story with drawings and thought I should share it with all of you. It's adorable.

3. I had a very satisfying feeling yesterday, as I was gathering up graded artwork to return and/or put up in the hallway display area, looking at almost finished art projects and 3D animations... About 98% of the kids in my classes are doing fairly high quality work. I'm so pleased. People, kids and adults, that come across the work unexpectedly keep mentioning how excellent it all is. It makes me very happy.

That is all.

I've posted some pics of the student work on flickr, of which this is one of my favs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very talented class you have there!
My favorite is the cityscape with the lady in it.
2nd favorite is the "letters and yarn"

PS must be a good use for the word verification---vismies