Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Man. I am so tired of being sick. I've had this cold for two weeks now, and yesterday it got worse. I had a fever and was dizzy and all kinds of yuck. I've stayed home from school for two days now. I hate this. I slept all day yesterday, until mrpants came home and fed me juice and medicine. The fever reducer stuff seems to work pretty well. I'm not feeling feverish today. I'm planning on going to school tomorrow.

gargh. Now for something more interesting... here's my Random Album cover from the recent meme floating around.


kungfuramone said...

It is so weird how legit those album covers tend to look...

p.s. hope you get better, pronto.

K Schimmy said...

I'm sorry you have the yuk. Is it mowing down everyone at school? I have managed to avoid it (insert wood knocking) but MAN did everyone get sick in the last couple of weeks at school. Drink plenty of fluids and snuggle with kitties.

My word verification is "eurew"... I think this might be the sound one makes when hit on by a much older Italian man when you're a junior in high school.

Katie said...

The dizzies suck!!! I hope you feel better soon.

Secret Squirrel said...

So sorry you are still feeling bad. That stinks!